
Points Scoring Explained - by Greg Hawthorne (PRO)

DNS / DNF / RET = number of boats in the race (division) + 1

DNC = number of boats in the series + 1

DNS - Did Not Start, came to race area, but did not start

DNF - Did Not Finish

RET - Retired

DNC - Did Not Compete

Results terminology

ETOrd (elapsed time ordinal) - the order on which a boats finished based on elapsed time

AHC (allocated handicap) - a boat's handicap for this race

Cor'd T (Corrected time) - a boat's elapsed time X allocated handicap

BCH (back adjusted handicap) - the handicap that would have to be allocated to a boat so that all boats in the race finished at the same corrected time

CHC (corrected handicap) - the handicap a boat carries forward to the next race based on her performance in this race




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